If your looking for Philip K. Dick's short story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" you'll be sorely disappointed. On the other hand, if your in for a dystopian adrenaline rush this is your movie. It starts off like the Governator's predecessor of the same name. A factory worker asking a trusted co-worker about a place called Rekall. The co-worker tries to dissuade Mr. Quaid from the idea of going to a place that would mess with your mind, but Doug persists and goes there anyway.
While the general story line is quite similar to it's 1990 namesake, the world looks much more tired and run down. From the moment the needle goes into Douglas Quaid's are the movie is for the adrenaline junkie. There is lot's of hand to hand and car to car combat. The acting is mediocre to above average.
While it is not the worst movie I've ever seen, I find it more interesting to watch then "The Phantom Menace". That's not saying much, I realize. Okay to be fair, it ranks up there with Zombieland. Enjoyable enough to waste a couple of hours.
One item I found interesting was when Mr. Quaid was entering the customs area there was a woman ahead of him who looked very much like the fake woman used in the 1990 version. Sort of a node, if you will to the one directed by Paul Verhoeven.
With the synthetic police, it becomes Total Recall (1990) meets iRobot.