Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stupid Criminals

I find it amazing how stupid people can be when committing crimes. Today a young man made the mistake of attempting to 'tag' several garages in my neighborhood.  Had it been more selective and patient, he most likely would have gotten away without being noticed.  But as all criminals get greedy and push their luck, this young man was no exception. He had already spray painted a garage in the alley to the south of mine. I found out later that he had  vandalized city property earlier that morning. Had he stopped with the previous garage he wouldn't have had a neighbor of mine witnesses him doing mine. Of course we have cameras on our property and he was observed anyway. 

At this point had he just dropped the can of paint and ran he most likely would have not been caught.  But continuing in the tradition of being stupid he retained possession of the incriminating paint. When he was apprehended he still had the paint in his hand. It was also revealed that the young hooligan had turned 18 today.

So I ask (rhetorically) why didn't he do this yesterday? Why didn't he do it at night? And why after being caught in broad daylight by a witness would you stick around with the evidence?

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