Thursday, June 21, 2012

And so begins the end

This will most likely be the last time I visit this institution.  I'm sorry to say that that I am not impressed with the education here. Or any school in North America for that matter. I am personally of the opinion that by the time they leave this school they the students should have a grasp of calculus. Instead they spend way to much time socializing. 

I think phone companies are run by marketing

Phone companies should fire their marking department and and just use a simple  pay for what you use plan instead of wasting time with promotions. I personally believe that a straight forward approach would be so radically different from the competition that people would flock to their service.  I know I would.

A sort of Graduation

Today Brendan's class is having a graduation ceremony. This will be the end of Grade 8. Next year High School.  Hopefully he'll be a better teen then I ever was. Personally I dread long drawn out ceremonies.