Friday, October 4, 2013

Critics are morons


Just finished watching the final episode of Dexter. While many claim it was horrible. In fact more than one person has complained about the entire eighth season. Claiming that Dexter Morgan has become wishy-washy. When the truth is, in season 8 Dexter thought he could have it all. Dr. Vogal warned him that was impossible.

The flip flopping Dexter performed was the emotional roller coster ride we took with Dexter. Him wanting to believe that he, a confessed serial killer could have a normal life. Season eight was that last desperate attempt to keep hold of both worlds. It finally cumlinated in the final episode when Deb had a stroke. Dexter concludes that everyone he touches gets hurt and decides to solve the problem by driving his boat into a hurricane, never to be scene again.

Personally, I believe that the we the viewers could have gone without the final scene. After all they never mentioned Deb's body being washed up in shore. They could have just left us with the mystery.